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SalesChain brings you a casual series where we chat with owner and president Tim Szczygiel.
In this episode: Data. How to efficiently use it, effectively collect it, and what it can do to catalyze your business.
In This Episode:
What does it mean to manage and Analyze Data? 00:24
What dictates good use of this data: 2:26
How do you make sure it’s accurate: 3:36
Winning proposals are documents that are tailored to a specific customer’s needs. You need to be afforded the flexibility to customize proposal documents and, with todays demands, to do it more quickly than ever.
In 2020, when meeting customers face-to-face has become increasingly difficult, your opportunity to impressions on your clients has changed. Our users our finding a staggering increase in the need to impress their clients over the web.
Our proposal wizard provides your sales team with the flexibility to generate customized, beautiful proposal documents that win big including features like:
– Include up-selling optional accessories
– Tailor to your customer’s needs with one or many lease term options
– Show or hide cash purchase option
– Sell a single payment or break out bundled service details
SalesChain brings you a casual series where we chat with owner and president Tim Szczygiel.
In this episode: Tips for conducting better employee interviews. Save time vetting candidates and conducting a multitude of interviews by following a few tips from Tim!
In This Episode:
How long after someone’s walked in the door do you know if you’ll hire them? 00:00
How should the interviewer prepare for an interview? 00:26
What do you learn from the candidate before even asking a question? 00:48
What do you learn from the answer to: “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 01:22
What characterizes someone who has drive? 02:08
What characteristics do you look for in a new hire? 2:50
What makes someone trustworthy? 03:22
What questions should interviewers ask that they normally wouldn’t? 03:54
Deliver SalesChain qualified leads to your reps and seamlessly sync contacts and companies.
Get SalesChain Qualified Leads With Hubspot Integration
SalesChain is excited to announce our new integration with HubSpot. This integration allows for the sales and marketing departments to work seamlessly together to effectively market, nurture, and identify opportunities for sales.
Our workflow system also provides for the automatic handoff of leads that have been qualified by marketing to the sales team in an organized and automated fashion eliminating time delays and manual entry by the marketing team.
This is all meant to make the strengths that HubSpot social media and marketing offer combined with the reorganization and workflow offerings of SalesChain.
View A Product Launch Video
This video outlines the capabilities of SalesChain’s upgraded integration to HubSpot.
So How does it work?
Companies and contacts that are in SalesChain can be imported into HubSpot, utilizing the segmentation and targeting tools available in SalesChain to prioritize marketing activities.
In the other direction, Accounts and contacts as well as activities that occur within HubSpot are viewed within the SalesChain system seamlessly, so that the effort the marketing has put in is put right in the hands of the salespeople.
To make this even more seamless, when marketing generates or identifies a lead, the SalesChain workflow system can automatically detect that event, create a lead within SalesChain, and send an email to the sales rep with clear instructions representing the HubSpot marketing activity.
The residual effect of this is that sales forecasting will automatically have the lead represented within the sales rep’s forecast and the sales analytics and dashboarding tools within SalesChain will provide ROI measurements for leads and revenue sourced from HubSpot.
Ready to Streamline Your Business?
Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.
The most common question we get at the help desk: How do I create a group? How do I remove accounts from a group? Add them? These questions answered in this quick tip video.
In This Video:
Create a Simple Group: 00:30
Create an Advanced Group: 02:18
Add an Account to a Group: 02:55
Remove an Account from a Group: 03:53
Edit Groups at the Account Level: 04:20
SalesChain Mobile lets you take your entire office wherever you go. With access to all of your data and SalesChain’s full functionality at your fingertips, your team will miss an opportunity to sell!
This tool is designed from the ground up for the Office Technology Sales Rep, with key usability principles being speed, simplicity, and functionality. Mobility is key to the successful empowerment of the digital workforce. This new “Ultimate” Mobile Experience is a tool that empowers the Sales Rep to take action!
The new SalesChain “Ultimate” Mobile Experience is immediately available for all existing SalesChain users. Simply go to www.MySalesChain.mobi and log in with your normal credentials.