Collect, Extract, Organize: What is Business Intelligence?

First off: What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is useful data presented in a way that helps you make better business decisions, increase revenue generation and gain a competitive advantage.

1. How do you COLLECT relevant, timely data?

54% of enterprises agree that cloud-based BI is vital to both their current and future incentives.
Data collection is automatic and synchronous with SalesChain. Since we process orders from start to finish, we already have the information in our system.

2. How do you EXTRACT a data set to glean vital information for your company?

Ideally, every employee should have an efficient, customizable tool to focus on how data trends should drive their workflow.
SalesChain’s Sales Analytics Dashboard collects data in an intuitive and organized way. Analytics is based on both ease­ of availability and ease of use for targeted information.

3. How do you ORGANIZE company strategies based on business intelligence?

Data analytics makes decision making 5x faster.
A single system that centralizes data sets can help managers improve employee ability to focus and target specific sales objectives.

What data is important and how should it be organized?

Business innovation is ultimately derived from innovation. Drilling down into the significance of patterns in the data is vital for optimal growth.

How does SalesChain do Data Better?

1) Business Intelligence is built right into SalesChain

Why does that matter? Synchronized data means a streamlined workflow between departments – the handoff of information becomes an automated process rather than a confusing string of emails and data entries.

Stop tracking down information – let us put it in one place and increase your productivity.

2) Quality of data is significant – and SalesChain collects superior data

Accurate data is actionable data: You can’t make good business decisions unless you have accurate and complete information. Trying to make decisions for your business without knowing the data behind them is like skiing backward while blindfolded.

You have to know what’s making money, so you know what to spend time on.


3) Manual Entry Means a Potential Point of Error

SalesChain collects data at every step of the order fulfillment process. Because we automate the day-to-day activities of your business, the data is already in our system and accurate. When all your data is in one place, no one has to waste time transferring it to another software, potentially making errors in the process.

SalesChain acts as a hub for your data, keeping all your employees on the same page.


Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.