Expand, Evolve, Excel: Boosting Revenue with Water, Used Equipment, and More

Framing Your Approach

Yes, we’ve all heard it… “Diversify, diversify, diversify!” And we get why- the industry has changed since 2020, digital transformation, shifting customer demands, etc, etc. As the traditional office technology industry undergoes changes, dealers and solution providers need to explore new avenues to expand their offerings and drive revenue growth. Dealers everywhere are looking for ways to diversify their offerings and expand their revenue. In this edition of The Link, we explore how diversifying into water solutions, used equipment, and other office tech product verticals can open new revenue streams and bring you a competitive edge.  

Quenching New Revenue Opportunities with Water Solutions: 

Water is essential, not just for life, but as a powerful addition to your product portfolio. By offering water solutions—ranging from water filtration systems to bottleless water coolers—you can tap into a growing demand among businesses for sustainable, cost-effective hydration options. Here’s how diversifying into water solutions can benefit your business: 

  • Recurring Revenue: Water solutions often come with service contracts, providing a steady stream of recurring revenue. Whether it’s regular maintenance, filter replacements, or rental fees, these services ensure consistent cash flow.
  • Sustainability Appeal: Today’s businesses are increasingly focused on sustainability. By offering eco-friendly water solutions, you can position your company as a leader in green initiatives, attracting clients who prioritize environmental responsibility.
  • Cross-Selling Potential: Water solutions are a natural complement to existing office technology offerings. By bundling water services with your traditional products, you can increase the value of each sale and strengthen customer relationships.

Unlocking Value in the Secondary Market with Used Equipment: 

As businesses look for cost-effective ways to upgrade their technology, the market for used equipment is expanding. Diversifying into the sale and service of used office technology presents an opportunity to serve budget-conscious clients while maximizing the value of previously owned assets. Here’s why used equipment should be part of your diversification strategy: 

  • High Margins: Used equipment often comes with higher profit margins compared to new products. By refurbishing and reselling pre-owned devices, you can offer competitive pricing while maintaining healthy margins.
  • Market Expansion: The used equipment market allows you to reach a broader audience, including startups, small businesses, and organizations with limited budgets. By catering to this segment, you can expand your customer base and increase market share.

One System for Dealers in Imaging and IT

Watch this brief video to learn a bit about our offering in 2024!

Going Beyond with Purpose-Built Solutions: 

While water solutions and used equipment are excellent starting points, the key to successful diversification lies in offering purpose-built solutions that address specific customer needs. By leveraging your expertise and understanding of the market, you can develop tailored offerings that set your business apart. Consider these additional avenues for diversification: 

  • AV/Security 
  • IT Products 
  • Managed IT Services 
  • Document Management Systems 

Bringing it All Together: 

Diversification is not just about adding new products to your lineup; it’s about strategically expanding your offerings to meet the changing needs of your customers. By exploring opportunities in water solutions, used equipment, and other innovative services, you can drive revenue growth, enhance customer loyalty, and position your business for long-term success. 

Ready to Diversify and Grow? Let SalesChain Be Your Partner! 

Diversification doesn’t end there, though! Diving headfirst into new product verticals without having the right software partner can cause headaches. At SalesChain, we see these strategic moves from dealers and the need to develop a suite of features to facilitate dealers’ sales workflows as their businesses branch into water, used equipment, and more. Whether you’re looking to add water solutions, tap into the used equipment market, or develop purpose-built services, our comprehensive platform and expert support can help you succeed. 


Click here to learn more about how SalesChain can support your journey to diversification and growth. 

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.

5 Tips for Driving Net-New Growth

Video Breakdown:

In this video, SalesChain’s founder and president, Tim Szczygiel, outlines five essential tips for driving net-new growth.

Targeted Prospecting:

Tim emphasizes the importance of a focused approach when targeting potential customers. Instead of a broad, unfocused strategy (the “shotgun approach”), he suggests refining and cleansing your data to create a targeted list of prospects based on industry, market type, and business size. This targeted approach allows your sales team to use their time more effectively, increasing their chances of success.

Bundled Solution Selling:

Tim highlights the need for salespeople to move beyond their comfort zones. While they may be familiar with selling certain products, like print, it’s essential to emphasize the full range of products and services your business offers. This approach not only meets more of your customers’ needs but also increases the value of each sale.

Leverage Strong References:

Tim stresses the importance of having solid references on hand, especially when selling to specialized markets like legal firms or medical practices. Word-of-mouth from satisfied customers is a powerful selling tool, and having these references ready can significantly boost your sales efforts.

Incentivize and Gamify Sales:

To keep your sales team motivated, Tim suggests making the sales process competitive and fun. Utilizing stack ranking reports allows everyone to see where they stand, fostering a healthy competitive environment. However, it’s important to make comparisons fair by adjusting for factors like revenue and profit across both tenured and new sales reps, ensuring an even playing field.

Incorporate into the Commission Plan:

Finally, Tim advises integrating net new business targets into your commission plan. By requiring that a portion of revenue (e.g., 15-20%) comes from new customers, you ensure that even tenured reps who might rely on existing customers are incentivized to seek out new business. A system like SalesChain’s can help blend and measure these sales achievements to support this goal.

These five steps, when implemented effectively, can significantly enhance your team’s ability to grow net new business.

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.

Connect and Conquer: How Unified Systems Make the Difference

Framing Your Approach

One of the biggest challenges office tech solution providers face when expanding into new sectors or offering new products or services is maintaining a unified, efficient, and cohesive sales workflow. Having a single platform to manage diverse business activities is crucial. SalesChain’s platform allows dealers to seamlessly integrate their traditional print sales with new ventures in water, IT, AV & Security, used equipment, and more. This unified approach ensures that all aspects of the business are aligned, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall efficiency. 

Operational Efficiency 

A unified platform eliminates the need for multiple disparate systems, reducing the complexity of managing diverse operations. This leads to greater efficiency, as all business activities can be managed from a single interface. For example, a dealer selling both traditional print products and IT solutions can manage their entire sales process, from lead generation to order fulfillment, within the SalesChain platform. By having all these functions under one roof, SalesChain ensures that businesses can streamline their operations and focus on growth rather than juggling multiple systems. 

Data Consistency 

When businesses use multiple systems, data consistency becomes a major challenge. A unified platform ensures that all data is stored in a central repository, reducing the risk of data duplication and inconsistencies. This is particularly important for businesses that need to maintain accurate records across different sectors. SalesChain’s platform provides a single source of truth, ensuring that every department, from sales to finance, has access to accurate and up-to-date information. This data integrity is crucial for making informed business decisions and maintaining customer trust. 


As businesses grow and expand into new markets, their operational needs become more complex. A unified platform is scalable, allowing businesses to add new features and functionalities as needed. This ensures that the platform can grow with the business, supporting its evolving needs. SalesChain is designed to be highly adaptable, enabling businesses to customize the platform according to their specific requirements. Whether adding new sales channels or integrating with other business systems, SalesChain provides the flexibility needed to scale efficiently. 

Enhanced Collaboration 

A unified platform fosters collaboration across different teams and departments. For example, the print/imaging sales team can work closely with the IT team to ensure that customer requirements are met efficiently. This collaborative approach leads to better customer service and improved business outcomes. SalesChain’s platform includes features such as shared dashboards, real-time communication tools, and centralized project management, which facilitate seamless collaboration. By breaking down silos, SalesChain helps businesses deliver a cohesive and responsive service to their customers. 

One System for Dealers in Imaging and IT

Watch this brief video to learn a bit about our offering in 2024!

The Risks of Not Having a Unified Platform 

While the benefits of a unified platform are clear, it’s equally important to understand the risks and pitfalls of not having one. Businesses that rely on multiple, disparate systems can face significant challenges: 


Without a unified platform, managing various business activities becomes a complex and disorganized task. Different departments might use different systems, leading to a lack of coherence in operations. This disorganization can cause delays, miscommunications, and a general lack of efficiency. SalesChain helps mitigate these risks by providing a single, integrated platform that brings all business activities together, ensuring seamless and organized operations. 

Inaccurate or Non-Timely Data 

When data is spread across multiple systems, ensuring its accuracy and timeliness becomes a daunting task. Inconsistent data can lead to poor decision-making and missed opportunities. For example, if sales data is not updated in real time, it can result in overstocking or stockouts, affecting customer satisfaction. SalesChain’s unified platform ensures that all data is centralized and updated in real-time, providing accurate and timely information to support informed decision-making. 

Missed Opportunities 

In a competitive market, timing is everything. The inability to access and analyze comprehensive data quickly can lead to missed opportunities. Whether it’s identifying a new market trend or responding to customer inquiries promptly, having a unified platform like SalesChain allows businesses to act swiftly and capitalize on opportunities as they arise. Without it, businesses risk falling behind their competitors who are better equipped to respond to market changes. 

Purpose-Built for Your Success 

At SalesChain, we understand that every business is unique. That’s why our platform is purpose-built to cater to the specific needs of dealers in various industries. Whether you’re transitioning from print to IT or exploring new markets, our unified platform provides the tools and capabilities to ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently. By choosing SalesChain, you’re not just adopting a software solution; you’re partnering with a team dedicated to helping you succeed in every aspect of your business. 

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.

Go Beyond Print with SalesChain’s Purpose-Built Solutions

Framing Your Approach

If one thing is clear over the last four years, it’s that the office technology space is undergoing a significant transformation. At SalesChain , we’ve seen dealers and solution providers expand beyond their traditional vertical markets to create net-new business and provide additional revenue streams. They are venturing into areas such as AV/Security, Water, Used Equipment, IT Products, Managed Print Services (MPS), and more. This expansion is not just a trend; it’s a necessity driven by the evolving demands of customers and the competitive nature of the industry. 

The Changing Landscape of the Office Technology Space

Clearly, the office technology sector is no longer confined to traditional print and copy services. As businesses strive to meet the diverse needs of their clients, they are branching out into new areas. AV and Security solutions are becoming critical as businesses seek to enhance their offerings and diversify revenue. More dealerships than ever are seeing office Water Systems as lucrative selling opportunities. The market for Used Equipment is expanding as businesses look for cost-effective and eco-friendly alternatives. Meanwhile, IT Products and Managed Print Services are becoming integral to the digital transformation strategies of modern enterprises. 

This diversification presents both opportunities and challenges. While entering new markets can open up significant revenue streams, it also requires businesses to manage more complex operations. This is where the importance of purpose-built solutions comes into play. 

One System for Dealers in Imaging and IT

Watch this brief video to learn a bit about our offering in 2024!

The Role of Purpose-Built Software

Purpose-built software is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular industry or business function. Unlike generic software solutions, purpose-built software offers features and functionalities tailored to address the unique challenges and requirements of specific sectors. This specialization is crucial for businesses that are expanding into new areas and need to maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness. 

SalesChain’s Commitment to Purpose-Built Solutions 

At SalesChain, we recognize the critical role that specialized solutions play in the success of our customers. Our platform is designed to support dealers and solution providers as they expand into new markets. We are continually developing new features in partnership with customers and solution providers that cater to the specific needs of various product verticals, ensuring our customers have the tools they need to succeed. 

Our recent rollouts include features tailored to the Water, Used Equipment, IT, and Security/AV sectors. These features were developed in close collaboration with industry partners and customers to ensure they are effective and precisely tailored to meet the unique challenges of each sector. 

Water Industry Solutions: Our Water industry feature is designed to streamline the sales and management processes for dealers working in water systems. It includes tools for inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and compliance tracking. This feature helps dealers manage complex water treatment projects and ensures they can meet regulatory requirements efficiently. 

Used Equipment Solutions: The Used Equipment market requires specialized tools to track and manage pre-owned assets. Our Used Equipment feature utilizes eAutomate for comprehensive tracking capabilities, allowing dealers to manage inventory, sales, and customer relationships effectively. This feature is essential for dealers who want to capitalize on the growing demand for cost-effective and sustainable equipment solutions. 

IT Solutions: As businesses undergo digital transformation, the demand for IT products and services is skyrocketing. Our IT feature provides tools for managing IT inventory and sales management through our integration with Etilize. This includes functionalities for tracking hardware and software assets, managing customer support requests, and ensuring efficient service delivery. 

Security/AV Solutions: Our Security/AV features include capabilities for bundling Security and AV features that might have more complex pricing structures directly in a single deal with other product verticals. We have also built AV/Security-specific BI and Forecasting features to give managers a holistic view of the sales pipeline.  

Building a Solid Foundation for the Future

In conclusion, as the office technology space continues to evolve, the need for purpose-built solutions is more important than ever. At SalesChain, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the tools they need to succeed in their respective industries. Our purpose-built features, developed in collaboration with industry experts, offer a solid foundation for dealers looking to expand their business operations. 

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with purpose-built solutions? Contact SalesChain today to learn more about how our tailored features can help you succeed in your new ventures. Together, we can build a stronger, more efficient, and more profitable future. 

Ready to Learn More? Book a call today!

SalesChain Releases Version 9.2.2, Featuring New Zoom Phone Integration, Enhanced AV & Security Forecasting, and More.

Significant Enhancements >> Zoom Phone Integration

A comprehensive integration with Zoom Phone now allows users to auto-dial telephone numbers with a single click. This integration captures call duration and automatically opens a note for users to enter details.

eAutomate – Dynamic Views

We’ve added a feature that allows the definition and execution of custom queries, which can be viewed with a click of a button. This feature is similar to the “Quick Search” function but is placed on specific forms for more tailored data access.

Significant Enhancements >> AV & Security Forecast Profile and Pricing Tool

To support dealers expanding into AV and Security products, we’ve created dedicated profiling and pricing utilities. Features include:

  • Opportunity profiling with a dedicated profile pane on the bundled lead form.
    • Dedicated contact list and stages.
    • Note entry and tracking for each opportunity.
    • Full integration to ConnectWise Ticket Requests for IT support workflows.
  • Pricing tools for selecting and building product bundles from existing IT Product catalogs through Etilize and distributor integrations.
  • Revenue and GP tracking in AV and Security buckets.

Other Enhancements in this Update

eAutomate – Sales Order Integration

  • Automated Sales Order Status: Sales order status and detail status are now evaluated and set based on product availability.
  • Customer Level Presets: When pushing orders, settings for Tax Code, Territory Code, On Hold Code, Term Code, Shipping Method, and Branch Code are preset based on the eAutomate Customer Profile.

Re-Leasing Equipment

We’ve added a new function allowing users to easily select existing machines within a customer and add them to orders “re-leasing.”

ConnectWise Integration – Managing Duplicate Data

To address duplicate contact creation in ConnectWise, secured users can now clear and reestablish associations of records.

Credit Pre-Approval – Workflow Enhancements

We’ve enhanced functionality to better integrate the pre-approval process with overall dealer processes. New properties include a preapproval indicator on the open lead count and displaying the preapproval lead on the open leads when creating a new OBD.

Significant Enhancements >> Credit Decisions – Workflow Enhancements

As we expand our integrations with financial service companies, there is an ever-growing need to improve communication throughout the system. With this release, we have added several properties to the Credit Desk and Credit Decision pages:

  • Label “PreApproval” for credit requests.
  • Display of the requested amount of funding.
  • Method of credit application submission (API or email).
  • Reference to the API Transaction Log for transactions processed via API integration.

Delivery Workflow – Customer Training Requirements

Added the property “Is Training Required?” to the delivery job form to highlight the need for customer training. This can be merged onto documents to communicate customer needs effectively.

Proposal & Order Notes Entry

A new note entry feature has been added to the proposal and order form, allowing users to enter free-form notes that can be viewed in chronological order on the General pane.

HubSpot Integration

To prevent excessive activity from being pushed into SalesChain from HubSpot, we’ve added a “Sanity Limit.” If the number of leads exceeds a specified limit (e.g., 100 in a day), the integration will stop and notify the Marketing Manager for verification.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Fixed an issue where service line assignment to groups was not cleared properly when the group was removed.
  • Fixed an issue with workflow emails for used equipment notifications not sending correctly.
  • Expanded the Clone feature on the user profile to include more fields to be cleared out.
  • Fixed an issue with the Commission Exclusion logic where certain spiff exclusions were being duplicated.
  • Fixed an issue where activity records were not reassigned when customer records are merged.

Diversify and Drive Revenue Growth with Water Solutions

Framing Your Approach

In our industry, the ability to adapt and diversify is more critical than ever. Consolidation and changing customer needs have led to dealerships looking for new ways to fortify their revenue streams and meet evolving demands. Diversification isn’t just a strategy; it’s a necessity for long-term success. At SalesChain, we understand the importance of expanding your product offerings to meet evolving market demands. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our comprehensive water pricing and selling module, seamlessly integrated into the SalesChain platform and connected with eAutomate. With this new expanded toolset, users can bundle water products with traditional print, IT, used equipment, and more, all in a single deal.

Why Diversify?

Diversification isn’t just a strategy; it’s a necessity for business growth and stability. Here’s why:

1. Strengthen Your Business Resilience

Incorporating new products and services into your offerings can protect your business from market fluctuations. By tapping into the water products sector, you can create a stable, recurring revenue stream that complements your existing sales.

2. Expand Market Reach

Water products are a natural extension for office tech dealers. Offices need reliable water solutions just as much as they need print and IT services. By offering a complete suite of products, you become a one-stop shop for your clients, increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

3. Increase Revenue Potential

Bundling products not only adds value to your deals but also boosts your overall sales volume. Offering comprehensive solutions can attract larger contracts and foster long-term client relationships.

One System for Dealers in Imaging and IT

Watch this brief video to learn a bit about our offering in 2024!

Why Water Products?

Water is an essential commodity in every office environment. By integrating water products into your portfolio, you’re meeting a fundamental need for your clients. Here’s why this opportunity is ideal:

  • High Demand:Offices require a regular water supply, making it a constant and reliable product to sell.
  • Value Addition:Bundling water products with your existing offerings creates more attractive packages for clients.
  • Growth Potential:The water products market is growing, and entering this space now can position your business as a leader in comprehensive office solutions.

How SalesChain Facilitates Diversification

Our platform is designed to make diversification seamless and efficient. Here’s how SalesChain supports your growth:

  • Integrated Water Pricing and Selling Module:Manage water products alongside your existing catalog, creating unified, attractive deals for your clients.
  • Comprehensive Deal Management:Bundle water products with print, IT, used equipment, and more, all within a single system. Simplify complex deals and ensure cohesive sales processes.
  • Specialized Sales Team Management:Oversee different teams and product lines with ease. Our system allows for efficient management and coordination, ensuring each team performs at its best.
  • Bi-Directional Integration with eAutomate:Enjoy seamless data flow and synchronization between SalesChain and eAutomate, enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy.
  • Commissions Management:Keep your sales teams motivated with streamlined commission tracking and payouts. Our commissions system ensures transparency and fairness in rewarding your sales team, whether you have a single sales team offering complex bundled solutions, or fully separate specialized sales teams for print, water, IT, etc.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Discover how SalesChain’s innovative solutions can help you diversify and grow your business. Schedule a discovery call with us today!

Learn More & Schedule a Call

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.

SalesChain Expands Commitment to the Office Technology Industry

SalesChain continues to demonstrate its commitment to the office technology channel by providing significant investments in features and resources to support the needs of dealers and vendor partners.  Realizing the challenges facing dealers, such as Shrinking Margins and the need to develop Additional Revenue Sources, SalesChain is doubling down with purpose-built solutions and support that help dealers reduce costs and increase profits by providing:

  • Used Equipment selling solutions
  • Integrations with Leasing Companies
  • Expanded integration to EAutomate
  • Delivery Workflow Automation and Facilitation
  • Integrations with Hubspot and Evolved Office marketing tools
  • Dedicated tools for AV, Security, Water, Mail, and more

While other software companies are de-emphasizing office technology or outright leaving the industry, SalesChain believes the channel is strong and has lasting opportunities for growth.

One System for Dealers in Imaging and IT

Watch this brief video to learn a bit about our offering in 2024!

Understanding Industry Challenges

Dealers in the Office Technology sector face numerous challenges, most notably, shrinking profit margins and the necessity to develop additional revenue sources. These pressures demand innovative solutions that not only help reduce costs but also open up new revenue streams. SalesChain’s strategic investments are targeted precisely at addressing these issues, ensuring that dealers can maintain and enhance their competitive edge.

Streamlining Operations with Leasing Company Integrations

SalesChain has created integrations with financial service companies that eliminate multiple manual steps in the deal pricing and fulfillment process, including:

  • The ability to submit credit applications to finance companies directly within SalesChain and receive decisions electronically, thus eliminating manual processes.
  • The ability to request buyout and upgrade quotes directly within the SalesChain deal pricing system, thus eliminating manual processes.
  • The ability to view customer invoices directly from within SalesChain for US Bank, Canon Financial Services, and Great America Leasing.

Empowering Dealers with Used Equipment Selling Solutions

Selling used equipment can be incredibly profitable for dealers, but managing inventory lists and pricing for sales reps can be difficult. Saleschain has made this easy by directly integrating with eAutomate inventory and providing lookup lists directly in the proposal and order pricing tool. This allows reps to sell new and used equipment together in an efficient way.

Enhancing Productivity with eAutomate Integration

SalesChain’s platform now includes a greatly  expanded integration with eAutomate. This integration ensures a smoother, more efficient workflow by automating various operational tasks. Dealers benefit from increased productivity and reduced errors, enabling them to deliver better service to their customers.

Rethinking Delivery Workflow Automation

In today’s fast-paced market, timely and efficient delivery is crucial. SalesChain’s delivery workflow automation tools are designed to facilitate and streamline the delivery process. By automating key aspects of delivery, dealers can ensure timely fulfillment, enhance customer satisfaction, and reduce operational costs. This feature is particularly beneficial in managing complex delivery schedules and handling high volumes of orders.

Leveraging Advanced Marketing Tools

Effective marketing is essential for growth in the competitive office technology sector. SalesChain has integrated its platform with HubSpot and Evolved Office marketing tools, providing dealers with advanced capabilities for lead generation, customer engagement, and performance analytics. These integrations enable dealers to create targeted, data-driven marketing campaigns that drive sales and build stronger customer relationships.

Specialized Tools for Diverse Needs

SalesChain recognizes that the office technology channel encompasses a wide range of specialties. To support this diversity, the platform offers dedicated tools for AV, security, water, mail, and more. These specialized tools ensure that dealers have the precise functionalities they need to excel in their specific areas of expertise. By catering to the unique requirements of different segments, SalesChain helps dealers deliver superior value to their customers.

A Strong Belief in the Future of Office Technology

While some software companies are de-emphasizing or exiting the office technology sector, SalesChain remains steadfast in its commitment. The company’s investments and innovations reflect a deep belief in the channel’s potential for lasting growth. SalesChain sees significant opportunities for dealers and vendor partners to thrive, provided they have the right tools and support.

SalesChain’s unwavering dedication to the office technology channel is clear in its strategic investments and solutions. By addressing the key challenges faced by dealers and providing purpose-built tools, SalesChain is enabling its partners to reduce costs, increase profits, and capitalize on new revenue opportunities.

As the office technology industry continues to evolve, SalesChain’s robust platform and comprehensive support will be instrumental in driving success and growth for dealers and vendor partners. With a clear vision for the future and a commitment to excellence, SalesChain is poised to lead the office technology sector into a new era of prosperity.

5 Tips for Maximizing Your CRM Investment

Video Breakdown:

In this video, SalesChain’s founder and president, Tim Szczygiel, outlines five essential tips for maximizing your CRM/CPQ investment:

Align CRM with Sales Process:

Customize your CRM to fit your sales workflow rather than the other way around. This ensures that the CRM supports nurturing, communication, and measurement plans effectively.

Leverage Data-Driven Decisions:

Utilize data analytics to focus sales efforts on target customers. By understanding your strong and weak areas, you can make informed decisions that drive success.

Integrate with Business Tools:

Seamlessly integrate your CRM with all essential business tools, such as marketing platforms (e.g., Evolved Office, HubSpot), leasing partners, and ERP systems like E-automate. This integration eliminates manual processes and enhances efficiency, providing salespeople with comprehensive customer information at their fingertips.

Ensure Robust Support:

Provide strong support for your sales team through accessible helpdesk systems, online training, and offline support tools available 24/7. Effective support is crucial for the successful implementation and use of the CRM platform.

Utilize Sales Automation Fully:

Enter every deal into the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely management reporting. This practice not only streamlines commission payments but also enhances data-driven analytics, allowing managers to make real-time, informed decisions.

Ready to Streamline Your Business?

Use the link below to schedule a discovery call for a demonstration of the SalesChain system. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you, answer your questions and see if SalesChain is the right partner to help you grow your business.

SalesChain Releases Version 9.2.1, Featuring Enhanced Etilize Integration, Commissions Summary Reports, New Credit Application Workflow, and More.

New >> View Great America & Canon Financial Services Invoicing

Reps and leasing coordinators can now view invoices from GreatAmerica Financial Services and Canon Financial Services directly within the system. This process, previously manual, is now streamlined and accessible by clicking the “FCO Invoices” icon on the Customer Profile page. Authorized users can now see a listing of customer leases, with finance company invoices accessible by clicking the blue lease contract numbers.

Note: This feature requires authorization from the relevant finance company and configuration by the SC Support team.

New >> Commissions Summary Report

A new commissions summary report provides a comprehensive “owners perspective” listing of commissions paid to sales representatives, grouped by sales manager. This report, created with our new reporting utility, is accessible to secured users on the Commission Reconciliation form.

Significant Updates >> Credit Application Workflow

For special cases, such as municipal tax exemptions or complex taxing jurisdictions, credit analysts can now override API automation and submit lease credit applications via email to a special group within the finance company. This ensures that special request applications are still managed through the SalesChain Credit Desk utility, maintaining workflow efficiency and tracking.

Significant Updates >> IT Products & Etilize Searching

We worked with our users to configure a set of tools to make the Etilize database easier, faster, and more useful.

Enhancements to the IT Products & Etilize catalog search tools include:

  • A new search feature at the top of the column, with the removal of filtering criteria on the left, providing more room for search results and better search control.
  • An optional display for the images column to speed up and simplify the user experience.
  • A “Save View” feature allowing dealers to save and share common search criteria across the sales team.
  • Improved IT Products maintenance form to prevent duplicate entries with the same MFG/MFGItemNbr combination.


Other Enhancements in this Update

Software as a Service (SaaS)

 To better measure sales, a breakout measurement of SaaS has been added to the Bundled Forecast form. Identifying products as SaaS is now simpler with the addition of an “Is SaaS” indicator to the MS Services Product record.

Bundled Forecasting 

Enhancements to the Bundled Forecasting tool allow users to selectively view relevant columns, improving usability for sales reps focusing on specific product combinations. This tool supports individual product and service sales and helps managers measure cross-selling success.

For example, in many dealers, specific reps sell AV and Security products, while others sell Copiers or IT Solutions. For this reason, we enhanced the Bundled Forecasting tool to allow users to selectively view columns that are displayed and exclude columns not relevant to them.

New >> Service Pricing Geographical Zones

Many of you have asked us to add a feature that will allow for the adjustment of service rates for a machine based on the geographical distance from the office. We added a new feature which allows users to adjust base service pricing based on geographical zones. Administrators can configure specific zone values and adjustment factors to meet dealership needs.

Naming Opportunities

Users can now name their opportunities. The name is promptly displayed on the Customer Profile page and in the Proposal and Order Pricing system. 

EAutomate Sales Order Create

SalesChain now uses the eAutomate catalog model and description details when pushing products into eAutomate. Traditionally, SalesChain used the model and descriptions from the SalesChain Master Catalog. This feature allows dealers to configure their own naming conventions.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • Import Quotes from Ingram Micro- Fixed an issue with the import process that caused some quotes to be imported improperly.

SalesChain Releases Version 9.2 Featuring Updated ConnectWise and Hubspot Integrations, Enhanced Commissions Module, and More.

Significant Upgrades >> ConnectWise Integration

We have completely recreated our integration to ConnectWise Manage to improve the user experience and provide bi-directional data sharing for customer, contact, catalog items, and order integration. These enhancements provide users the ability to better “cross pollinate” data across systems with real-time accuracy, flexibility and efficiency.

  • Updated interface flow to provide more consistent flow and messaging for users.
  • Enhanced 2-way data synchronization by allowing users to search CW content directly and easily to ensure accuracy of data integration.
  • Expanded ability to push customers as sites.

Significant Upgrades >> HubSpot Integration

  • We updated the user interface to make the integration more intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Real time data synchronization is now possible through our new integration with HubSpot’s Webhook API.
  • This upgraded integration brings improved flexibility, speed, and error handling.
  • We added the flexibility to customize customer and contact views for sales reps to better facilitate data-usage.
  • We GREATLY enhanced the workflow to ensure events triggering the “SalesChain Qualified Lead” are processed efficiently. We also added a “Safety Check” to limit the number of leads that are created erroneously.  We are finding that dealers’ marketing teams are using other systems such as Zoom Info to trigger events and in some cases, these triggers may create unexpected results (ie: an excessive number of notifications).
  • This improved integration more effectively integrates marketing and sales together.

NEW>> Stack Ranking Charts

Our new stack ranking charts provide immediate visual insights into sales performance, fostering a competitive, results-driven environment. By presenting sales rep revenue and gross profit rankings graphically or in table form, teams can quickly assess their performance relative to peers, setting the stage for healthy competition and goal-oriented focus.

Significant Upgrades >> Commissions Module

We’ve expanded the Commissions Module to further support the selling goals of our dealers which unanimously include “growing net new customers”.   Here are the specifics of these changes:

  • Expanded the sales rep quota profiling to include targets for Net New Business Revenue, Net New Business Gross Profit, Monthly Recurring Revenue and Monthly Recurring Gross Profit to allow dealers to track sales achievement more precisely.
  • Pay roll up commissions on all businesses. Now, a manager can be paid on all businesses owned if you own multiple businesses.
  • Added the ability to finitely exclude earnings components from commission escalations. This includes individual spiffs, placement bonus, service commissions and secondary roles.

Significant Upgrades >> SalesChain Mobile

We modified the SC Mobile tool to include additional functionality that empowers your sales team to secure opportunities on the go.  These changes include:

  • We added the ability to submit credit preapproval requests.
  • We are now excluding contacts marked “No Longer With Company” from the contact listings.
  • We fixed an issue where a blank note was being saved when a customer was edited by a user.

Other Enhancements in this Update

Contact Icons

  • Improved the communicative presentation of HubSpot, ConnectWise and Evolved Office indications on the company and contact lists. Contacts active in HubSpot, ConnectWise, or Evolved Office are now displayed with a corresponding icon next to the contact.

Sales Activity Tracking

  • We added logic to our eAutomate integration to identify customer profile and sales rep activity more clearly.

Lease Administration Log Utility

  • Greatly enhanced the lease integration administration log utility to view data cross referencing errors more clearly. This helps administrators to present lease portfolios in a more accurate way.
  • We also added a feature to allow admin users to create a lease within SC for a mismatched record.

Task Actions

  • Added the ability to attach files to task actions. Now when a user performs a task that includes other forms of documentation, these documents can be easily attached and stored within the SC document library.  Attachments can be viewed within the Customer history listing.

Used Equipment

  • Making this utility flexible is key to your success. We added profile criteria representing EAutomate Equipment Conditions to the system parameters to allow dealers to customize the selection of used equipment.
  • We also added a feature that allows dealers to cost used equipment based on category to simplify the management of rep costing.


  • We added the ability to attach multiple files at one time to the messaging system. This will simplify and speed up data entry.

Credit Preapprovals

  • We added the ability for users to create more than one preapproval for an account at a single time. This feature will greatly enhance sales reps supporting larger accounts where multiple opportunities exist at a single time.

eAutomate Sales Order Push

  • We improved the messaging process when communicating with users.


  • Added additional date selection ranges to the Forecast, Forecast by Status, and Forecast Bundled IT forms.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • We added a “data type” validation method to the quick search utility to avoid errors caused by searching number fields with alpha characters.
  • Expanded the CW integration to include more detailed customer profiling.
  • Fixed an issue with the CW Order integration causing the wrong contact to be associated with the order.
  • Improved the speed of the Delivery Desk search utility.
  • Repaired Messaging system email to address uncertain target user.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed customers to be at-will associated more than one time to another customer.
  • Fixed a formatting issue with the user profile edit form.
  • We added the ability for users to remove a saved picture from their profile, reverting to a blank image if desired.
  • Fixed an issue on the Task Viewer form that was caused by searching with a single quote character.
  • Fixed an issue with the Forecast 30-60-90 and Pipeline Tracking when downloading files that are sorted by Customer Class, Probability of Close, or Date Closed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Order Desk where search with a single quote caused an error.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple sales rep assignments for a single sales rep assignment category existed causing the Account list form advance search to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where certain lease customer associations would not change when eAutomate synchronization determined a change was needed.
  • Fixed an issue with the eAutomate Sales Order push that caused the order push to fail if a sales rep was not assigned a territory within SC.